A filter for every sector and every situation

Self-cleaning pulse air filters

Our filters are self-cleaning to prevent pressure drop. This provides better protection against erosion, fouling and blade corrosion and increases the life of your Gas Turbines. Defitec offers guaranteed customer satisfaction in spite of extremely hostile environmental conditions such as dust, sand or snow storms, low and high temperatures and high-humidity exposure.

Defitec offers a whole air filter range of different medias that achieve M6 – F9 EN779:2012 efficiency classes. For higher HEPA levels of efficiency which seem to becoming more relevant, with Filtration Upgrade programs even in pulse filtration E10 and E12 options EN1822 :2019 are available.

Static air filters

Defitec provides minipleat cassette barrier filters for cleaner and higher compressor efficiency and plant availability.

Our static air filters benefit from very strong and rigid plastic frame and can resist to high burst pressure superior to 5,500Pa without any damage.

Defitec filters range from ISO ePM10 75% (M6) to ISO ePM1 80% (F9) efficiency as per ISO 16890:2016, and from E11 to E12 efficiency as per EN1822:2019. They are tested for efficiency, burst strength, and water repellence.

Metal stainless-steel filter-elements

Defitec can replace industry standard metal stainless-steel filter-elements with industrial gas and liquid filtration processes in the petrochemical, pharmaceutical and chemical-processing industry.
Filter cartridges in sintered stainless-steel fibre or metal powder, wire mesh, wrapped or pleated, bonded or welded assembly according to applications required by the customer.

oil and hydraulic filter elements

Defitec is able to offer a full range of quality alternative filters to existing brands : Argo, Donaldson, Fairey Arlon, Ge, Hilco, Hydac, Indufil, Mahle, Pall Hydraulics, ,Parker, produced using inorganic glass fibre with epoxy coated or stainless wire mesh support layers.

They offer excellent efficiency combined with low pressure drop and collapse pressures up to 210 bar.

All defitec medias have been independently tested at IFTS (France) to ISO 16889 (Multipass) and offer βx=1000 efficiency standard ratings:
β2.5= 1 000 ; β4= 1 000 ; β7= 1 000 ; β12= 1 000 ; β22= 1 000, β38= 1 000

dust collector Filters

Dust and fu­mes have a ne­ga­tive ef­fect on your bu­si­ness. In­dus­trial pro­ces­ses emit large quan­ti­ties of air con­ta­mi­nants, in a mul­ti­tude of va­rie­ties and si­zes. The­se can be harmful to your peo­ple, cau­sing time off work, brea­thing pro­blems and in­ef­fi­cien­cies.  Some are toxic and can cause long term bad health.

De­fi­tec ma­kes a com­prehen­sive range of, va­lue for mo­ney pulse fil­ter car­trid­ges to the highest per­for­mance spe­ci­fi­ca­tions and qua­li­ty stan­dards. By using the most sui­ta­ble grade of fil­ter pa­per or spun bon­ded me­dia, we can make the air safe for peo­ple to work in and pre­vent con­ta­mi­na­tion of pro­ducts and pro­ces­ses.

Ty­pi­cal in­dus­tries for De­fi­tec dust con­trol pro­ducts:

– Powder pain­ting, Che­mi­cals, Grain, Health care (hos­pi­tals)
– Cera­mics , Tex­ti­les, Rub­ber, La­bo­ra­to­ries, In­sec­ti­ci­des, Ce­ment
– Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, Food pro­ces­sing, Milk pro­duc­tion, Tal­cum powder
– Ge­ne­tic re­search, Coal and coke, Fer­ti­li­ser powder, Flour, Pol­len
– Trans­por­ta­tion/Au­to­mo­tive, Shot blas­ting, Wood pro­ces­sing
– Elec­tro­nic, Fi­breglass, Plas­tics, Com­mer­cial kit­chens, Wel­ding
– Pa­per ma­nu­fac­tu­ring, Rock dril­ling, Foun­dries, Bat­te­ry plants
– Mi­ning, Sand­blas­ting, Me­tal wor­king/grin­ding

dynamic air filters (Cyclone)

A propeller fixed at the entrance provokes a swirling effect to the entering airflow.

The resulted centrifugation concentrates the dust particles close to the inner surface of the spin tube whilst the clean air centre stream flows through a conical device placed at the spin tube end opposite to the propeller. The dirty airflow of particles mix to be eliminated is ejected outside the « Cyclone » by a secondary airflow, called as well scavenged airflow.

The airflow direction between upstream and downstream remains the same.


A filter for every sector and every situation

Do you have a question or would you like a sales representative to call on you?

We are available to advise you on our various product solutions and the different applications for your business.